We need your help…

Can you help in any of the following ways in the coming term?  Please speak to any of the elders or staff.


  • Sunday Club teaching
  • Music:  playing or singing
  • Helping produce a regular Church Magazine or email Newslettter
  • Tea, Coffee, or door duty
  • Soup and sandwich: making or serving
  • Flowers: Please speak to Dorothy Gibney or leave your name and number with a person on door duty. Valerie will advise you on what needs to be done. Even if you don't arrange flowers yourself you could donate the flowers to celebrate an occasion or remember the anniversary of a loved one. That can also be mentioned in the announcements if you wish. Dorothy's number is 086-2371886 or you can email her: dorothy.gibney at gmail.com


Prayer Ministry
We believe in the power of Prayer and that God, in his wisdom, answers all our prayers in his own timing. We have an active prayer ministry available every Sunday before our service. See our Prayer page for more information

Ministry for those in need 
In our Church, we support the Storehouse programme run by Crinken Church in Shankill which provides food hampers to those in real need. Please support this initiative by bringing non-perishable food items such as cereal, pasta, rice, tinned fish, tinned vegetables, tea bags, jams, marmalade etc for collection at the front of the Church. 

Children's Ministry 
Our Church operates an active Sunday Club for children during our Sunday morning worship. The beginning of our service is deliberately aimed at engaging our children before they leave the service for Sunday Club. We organise special events such from time to time 

Youth Ministry
For our teenagers we run a weekly bible-study in the manse, please contact Gary for details. Every two weeks we run "Living Stones" youth group during our service for children who consider themselves too old for our Sunday Club but are not yet ready for a full church service

The Children's Special Service Mission, operated by Scripture Union, has been coming to Greystones for well over 100 years. We are delighted to support this work through the provision of our Church facilities but also through the many young people from our Church who have served as leaders over the years.

ECO Church
We have a small group who are actively working to make our church building more eco-friendly and welcoming. Projects include Flower Baskets and Planters, new wooden benches, a water butt and bicycle stands

Toddler Group
Each Wednesday morning during school-term time, we run a toddler group for pre-schoolers and their guardians. We provide refreshments for the adults and children and finish each session with some singing

Flower Ministry
A group of dedicated volunteers ensure our Church looks beautiful each Sunday with fresh arrangements of flowers - a few examples are available below
Music Ministry
We are blessed to have a Minister with a love of music and a skill to match.  We organise impromptu choirs for special occasions and our Minister has been known to compose his own music.  Gary has produced two CD's of his music which are available to purchase.  We have a small music team that plays during our services and are always interested in new members. In the run-up to Christmas we support the Cecil Beare Carol Singing group which sings around the neighbourhood.  In recent years we have held a community carol service for the residents of Leopardstown Park Hospital.
Do you have a musical talent you would be willing to share?

Peachaven Trust 

Peacehaven is a community-based, person centred residential service for adults with intellectual disabilities. Peacehaven has a strong christian ethos having been originally founded by a small group of evangelical christians.Residents and staff are enthusiastic to be integrated in community events, churches, societies and employment, so we can all live our best lives.
Peacehaven provides residential support across three neighbourhood houses for adults with an intellectual disability in Greystones, County Wicklow. Residents and staff are enthusiastic to be integrated in community events, churches, societies and employment, so we can all live our best lives.
Peacehaven provides residential support across three neighbourhood houses for adults with an intellectual disability in Greystones, County Wicklow. Residents and staff are encouraged to be integrated into community events, societies and employment. The trust provides residential support across three neighbourhood houses in Greystones. Peacehaven Trust is under the management of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and we are delighted to have some its residents in our church.. Residents and staff are enthusiastic to be integrated in community events, churches, societies and employment, so we can all live our best lives.
Peacehaven provides residential support across three neighbourhood houses for adults with an intellectual disability in Greystones, County Wicklow.

Tiglin Ministry 
Through the dedication of both church members and our minister we support the work of Tiglin at their residential centres in Brittas Bay and Ashford 

Audio Visual Ministry
Through the commitment of a small group of volunteers we manage the sound desk during church services, the display of song lyrics, bible passages and PowerPoint presentations, livestream services, generate social media reels, manage our various social media sites, and issue emails and WhatsApp updates.  Volunteers for even one of these tasks are always welcome.

Greystones Churches Together
We participate in this group which unites the churches of Greystones for special events at key times in the christian calendar