Church expenses are paid for through the support of weekly, monthly or annual voluntary contributions, along with one-off gifts and legacies. Weekly contributions are generally received through the freewill offering via the collection plate.
If you are in a position to contribute to the freewill offering, it's particular helpful if you sign-up for the envelope scheme or contribute via standing order so that all contributions are fully traceable. Please contact Mark Higgins, our Treasurer, if you would like a set of envelopes.
If you would like to contribute via standing order, the church's bank account details are as follows:
IBAN: IE93AIBK93361964489003
Please include your name in the standing order reference field. Note that for those contributing by standing order, we provide laminated cards for placing on the collection plate.
Thank you for your support. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Mark at 087 9197344
Where contributions can be attributed to a tax payer and exceed €250 in any given year, the church can benefit from a tax refund at no further cost to you. Tax refunds received that are attributable to donations for specific purposes (such as The Presbyterian Children's Society) are also assigned to those specific purposes. If your contributions qualify, our Treasurer will ask you to complete a declaration regarding your tax status which is valid for five years.
As trustees of your contributions, a full account of income and expenditure is provided at our Annual General Meeting and the accounts are independently reviewed for accuracy and completeness (there is currently no legal obligation for an audit due to our size). At each Committee meeting, the latest financial statements are presented and reviewed.
Annual financial returns are made to PCI and to the Charities Regulator
Church expenses are paid for through the support of weekly, monthly or annual voluntary contributions, along with one-off gifts and legacies. Weekly contributions are generally received through the freewill offering via the collection plate.
If you are in a position to contribute to the freewill offering, it's particular helpful if you sign-up for the envelope scheme or contribute via standing order so that all contributions are fully traceable. Please contact Mark Higgins, our Treasurer, if you would like a set of envelopes.
If you would like to contribute via standing order, the church's bank account details are as follows:
IBAN: IE93AIBK93361964489003
Please include your name in the standing order reference field. Note that for those contributing by standing order, we provide laminated cards for placing on the collection plate.
Thank you for your support. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Mark at 087 9197344
Where contributions can be attributed to a tax payer and exceed €250 in any given year, the church can benefit from a tax refund at no further cost to you. Tax refunds received that are attributable to donations for specific purposes (such as The Presbyterian Children's Society) are also assigned to those specific purposes. If your contributions qualify, our Treasurer will ask you to complete a declaration regarding your tax status which is valid for five years.
As trustees of your contributions, a full account of income and expenditure is provided at our Annual General Meeting and the accounts are independently reviewed for accuracy and completeness (there is currently no legal obligation for an audit due to our size). At each Committee meeting, the latest financial statements are presented and reviewed.
Church expenses are paid for through the support of weekly, monthly or annual voluntary contributions, along with one-off gifts and legacies. Weekly contributions are generally received through the freewill offering via the collection plate.
If you are in a position to contribute to the freewill offering, it's particular helpful if you sign-up for the envelope scheme or contribute via standing order so that all contributions are fully traceable. Please contact Mark Higgins, our Treasurer, if you would like a set of envelopes.
If you would like to contribute via standing order, the church's bank account details are as follows:
IBAN: IE93AIBK93361964489003
Please include your name in the standing order reference field. Note that for those contributing by standing order, we provide laminated cards for placing on the collection plate.
Thank you for your support. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call Mark at 087 9197344
Where contributions can be attributed to a tax payer and exceed €250 in any given year, the church can benefit from a tax refund at no further cost to you. Tax refunds received that are attributable to donations for specific purposes (such as The Presbyterian Children's Society) are also assigned to those specific purposes. If your contributions qualify, our Treasurer will ask you to complete a declaration regarding your tax status which is valid for five years.
As trustees of your contributions, a full account of income and expenditure is provided at our Annual General Meeting and the accounts are independently reviewed for accuracy and completeness (there is currently no legal obligation for an audit due to our size). At each Committee meeting, the latest financial statements are presented and reviewed.