Contact Us

The form below is for general pastoral enquiries. For all other enquiries, including about the use of our facilities, please scroll down for contact details

Minister: Rev. Gary McDowell
Telephone: 01 2017354 or 085 8714786
Email: gary at greystonespc dot org
WhatsApp: WhatsApp me
Clerk of Session: Mrs Joyce Lee
Telephone: 087 9373308
Email: clerk dot session at greystonespc dot org
Treasurer: Mr Mark Higgins
Telephone: 087 9197344
Email: markchiggins73 at gmail dot com
Committee Chairperson:    Mr Andrew Lee
Email: Committee at greystonespc dot org
Hall Rental Enquiries: Ms Jen Robinson
Telephone: 087 1237143
Email: jenrobinson187 at gmail dot com
Webmaster: webmaster at greystonespc dot org
Prayerchain: webmaster at greystonespc dot org

If you would like us to pray for you, please use the contact form above.  Please limit any confidential information in the interests of GDPR and ensure that you have the subject's permission. If you would like to be added to the Prayer Chain, please email the webmaster above. The Prayer Chain is now a WhatsApp group with updates by email for those who don't use it.

In the Presbyterian Church, local churches are managed and administered by a Kirk Session ("Session") and General Committee ("Committee").
Kirk Session comprises a teaching elder (or Minister) and ruling elders, who are voted in by the members of the church and serve for an unlimited period.  Session members are de facto members of Committee, which also includes a number of church members who are voted in by the members of the church and serve for a fixed period, typically three years.

The Session is responsible for the spiritual welfare of the church.  The Committee is responsible for all practical matters such as financial management, property management, rotas etc.